Expected Date: Either Sunday 22nd April 2023 (± One day)
Time: from 9 am-7 pm.
Venue: Victoria Park Leicester LE1 7RY
The ‘Eid Prayer and Festival’ is an event that takes place twice a year. The first festival is Eid-ul-Fitr (Breakfasting festival) and the second festival is Eid-ul-Adha (Slaughtering festival)
Usually, in excess of 20K attends the Eid festival and are of various ages, colours and racial and religious backgrounds.
Call for Stalls:
The Committee for the Eid Festival in Victoria Park Leicester would like to invite traders and charity organisations to apply for the above Eid Festival stalls.
Spaces are limited and we urge you to apply as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.
Stalls to sell the following products are required:
coffee tea and hot chocolate, sweets including oriental sweets, children’s sweets, candyfloss, chocolate fountain, pancakes, doughnuts, cold drinks, slush, children’s toys, Hijab dresses, clothing, perfumes, jewellery, arts and craft, Henna, face painting, balloon modelling, garden centre, animal encounter and any other suitable products. We are already booked for ice cream and hot food catering.
Non-Food or Drink Stall: £55 per day per stall
Drink or Food Stall: £200 deposit on application and 20% of the day taking on the Eid day
Terms and Conditions:
A stall means a 3mx3m area with a gazebo and up to three tables.
Our policy is one product per stall. This means that if a trader wants to sell more than one product he/she should hire more than one stall.
The number of stalls selling the same product should not exceed two and we employ a first comes first served policy.
All foods, sweets and drinks should be Halal or suitable for vegetarians. The ingredients should not contain animal fat (such as lard) or gelatine. Please display the Halal sign and reveal the ingredients.
A charity refers to a recognised UK charity. The charity stallholders are responsible for the content of any leaflets, posters and/or papers distributed or used by the charity holder. Please restrict your activities within the boundaries of your charity stall only.Please note that we do not permit fundraising sing or money collection for any charity or function except for the Eid Festival itself.
The stallholder who fails to comply with the Terms & Conditions may be liable for any fine or penalty imposed on the Festival Organisers by the City Council or any other governmental or legal body.
Stall holders Responsibilities:
Bringing tables, gazebo, generator and boundary barriers. All generators should be DIESEL generators and should be fenced adequately for H&S purposes. Please guard the generators with adequate fencing or barriers.
Cleaning and tidying up the area around and adjacent to your stalls before leaving the festival.
On booking a stall please send the followings:
Completed stall application form
Proof of payment
Valid public liability insurance certificate
Valid Health & Safety certificate if applicable.
Valid Risk Assessment Plan
If you are interested or you know people or traders who are interested in this event please contact Mr Naeem Muhammad at 07967466965 or Mr Ahmad Yazid at 07784165741 or write an email to: info@theeidfestival.com or write a letter and send it by post to: The Eid Festival, 176 Welford Road, Leicester, UK, LE2 6BD. Alternatively, visit www.theeidfestival.com. Please Click Here to download the Form.
Please Click Here to see the LCC Stall Holder Leaflet. Please Click Here to see an example of the Risk Assessment Form.
Once again, we emphasise that spaces are limited and we urge you to apply as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.